sekou heru wrkshps

I first met Sekou while travelling in NYC with the one and only Tony Tran. The purpose of the trip was to train in House dance and meet the pioneers who literally created the vernacular
while getting down at clubs when House music first made its way from Chicago. During the pandemic, I took the opportunity to reconnect with Sekou once most instructors looked to share their practices online. Fast forward three years later—Sekou let me know that a student of his, Deanna Peters, would be producing a 4 day public intensive in Vancouver.

I quickly reached out to Calgary Arts Development and developed a grant to bring Sekou to Calgary so that he could inspire the young house dancers popping up all over the city.
I travelled to Vancouver and had the extreme pleasure of meeting Deanna and her entourage, then travelling back to Calgary with Sekou for more. Without Deanna cultivating connection with Sekou, this would not have been possible.

Sekou is an absolute shaman. His knowledge extends far beyond simple physicality. His method, Rhythm Metrics, is steeped in geometric universality, personal philosophy and tools for achieving longevity in life. Calgary looks forward to welcoming Sekou again.

Check out the video and photos I captured during the multi-province intensive with Sekou. More below.

Film credits: Jared Tobias Herring | Vancouver Producer: Deanna Peters & Cadawest | Calgary Workshops: Jared Tobias Herring & Calgary Arts Development


I.A.B.D. & Dance immersion Conference
